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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Issue with Case Resolutions in CRM 2013 / CRM Online

There is an issue in CRM 2013/CRM Online when you resolve a case, the "resolution" description gets overwritten with "Resolve Case".  This worked in CRM 2011. 

In CRM 2011:
You resolve a case and enter in the mandatory Resolution Comment field:

Looking at the corresponding Case Resolution Activity, you see your description:

All good.  Now we try the same thing in CRM 2013:

And the corresponding Resolution has turned into "Resolve Case" !

Apparently this is a known issue and is addressed in CRM 2013 Rollup 2.  As of this post (March 21) Rollup 2 has not yet been released nor has it been rolled out to CRM Online.  Just thought I would mention it in case someone is banging their head against a wall trying to figure this out!



Sending Meeting Invites from CRM Appointments

Quick and dirty post:

Here is some code that I wrote that will enable you to send meeting invites direct from an Appointment form.  Note that creating an appointment will not send a meeting request for the participants unless you first sync to Outlook and then send.  This will open up Outlook directly and allow you to hit the 'send invites' button.

This uses activex so for now its something that only works in IE.  This code is in raw form so take it for what it is and at your own risk!

if (typeof (ND) == "undefined")
{ND = { __namespace: true }; }
ND.ApptLib = { __namespace: true };
ND.ApptLib.OnSave = function ()

//if send meeting invite is true then create outlook meeting invite.
if (Xrm.Page.getAttribute("rxrm_sendmeetinginvites").getValue() == true)

//sets up Outlook Appointment type object
var objOL //As Outlook.Application;
var objAppt //As Outlook.AppointmentItem;
var olAppointmentItem = 1;
var olMeeting = 1;

var requiredattendeeemails = "";
var optionalattendeeemails = "";
//loops through list of attendees

if(Xrm.Page.getAttribute("requiredattendees").getValue() != null)

var RequiredAttendeesArr= new Array;
RequiredAttendeesArr = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("requiredattendees").getValue();

//checks to see what kind of entities as email schema names are different
for (i = 0; i <= RequiredAttendeesArr.length -1; i++)

case "equipment":
var cols = ["emailaddress"];
var atr = "emailaddress";
case "systemuser":
var cols = ["internalemailaddress"];
var atr = "internalemailaddress";
var cols = ["emailaddress1"];
var atr = "emailaddress1";

//start building email list
var retrievedparty = XrmServiceToolkit.Soap.Retrieve(RequiredAttendeesArr[i].entityType,RequiredAttendeesArr[i].id,cols);
if(retrievedparty.attributes[atr] != null) requiredattendeeemails = requiredattendeeemails + retrievedparty.attributes[atr].value + ";";

//get optional attendees

if(Xrm.Page.getAttribute("optionalattendees").getValue() != null)

var OptionalAttendeesArr= new Array;
OptionalAttendeesArr = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("optionalattendees").getValue();
for (i = 0; i <= OptionalAttendeesArr.length -1; i++)

case "equipment":
var cols = ["emailaddress"];
var atr = "emailaddress";
case "systemuser":
var cols = ["internalemailaddress"];
var atr = "internalemailaddress";
var cols = ["emailaddress1"];
var atr = "emailaddress1";

var retrievedparty = XrmServiceToolkit.Soap.Retrieve(OptionalAttendeesArr[i].entityType,OptionalAttendeesArr[i].id,cols);
if(retrievedparty.attributes[atr] != null) optionalattendeeemails = optionalattendeeemails + retrievedparty.attributes[atr].value + ";";

//create active x object, IE permissions must be set to trust this from this secure site, if not, you will get an error

objOL = new ActiveXObject("Outlook.Application");

//inform user that Outlook meeting request is being created
alert("Outlook meeting request will be created, click ''send invites'' to send invites to recipients");

//fill in values, note that dates need to be formatted appropriately
objappt = objOL.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem);

objappt.Subject = (Xrm.Page.getAttribute("subject").getValue()==null) ? "" : Xrm.Page.getAttribute("subject").getValue();

objappt.Start = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("scheduledstart").getValue().toFormattedString("mm/dd/yyyy hh:MM APM");
objappt.End = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("scheduledend").getValue().toFormattedString("mm/dd/yyyy hh:MM APM");
// objappt.Start = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("scheduledstart").getValue();
//objappt.End = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("scheduledend").getValue();

objappt.MeetingStatus = olMeeting;
//objappt.Location = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("location").getValue();

objappt.Location = (Xrm.Page.getAttribute("location").getValue()==null) ? "" : Xrm.Page.getAttribute("location").getValue();

//objappt.Body = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("description").getValue();
objappt.Body = (Xrm.Page.getAttribute("description").getValue()==null) ? "" : Xrm.Page.getAttribute("description").getValue();

if(requiredattendeeemails != "") objappt.RequiredAttendees = requiredattendeeemails;
if(optionalattendeeemails != "") objappt.OptionalAttendees = optionalattendeeemails;

objAppt = null;
objOL = null

catch (err)

//in the event of an error, most likely active x related.
alert("You will need to set your IE security settings to a enable or prompt ''Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe for scripting.'' for the trusted zone of this CRM server in order for Outlook to create meeting invites.");
//date functions, credit to Adi Katz from

Date.prototype.toFormattedString = function(format)

var d = this;
var f = "";
f = f + format.replace( /dd|mm|yyyy|MM|hh|ss|ms|APM|\s|\/|\-|,|\./ig ,

function match()


case "dd":
var dd = d.getDate();
return (dd < 10)? "0" + dd : dd;
case "mm":
var mm = d.getMonth() + 1;
return (mm < 10)? "0" + mm : mm;
case "yyyy": return d.getFullYear();
case "hh":
var hh = d.getHours();
return (hh < 10)? "0" + hh : hh;
case "MM":
var MM = d.getMinutes();
return (MM < 10)? "0" + MM : MM;
case "ss":
var ss = d.getSeconds();
return (ss < 10)? "0" + ss : ss;
case "ms": return d.getMilliseconds();
case "APM":
var apm = d.getHours();
return (apm < 12)? "AM" : "PM";
default: return arguments[0];

return f;